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Its not an allergy to lash extensions, its a chemical burn!


Have you just woken up with a burning pain in your eyes after getting your lashes done? Our immediate reaction to this feeling is that we are having an allergic reaction to the glue and that the lashes need to be taken off immediately. But sometimes it’s best to take a breather and access what is actually taking place. In some cases what you are experiencing is not an allergic reaction but rather a chemical burn.Lets take a look at the signs and causes of a chemical burn:

Symptoms of an eyelash chemical burn:

1. Your eyes are red and bloodshot. However most of the irritation seems to be present around the lower part of your eyes, mainly below your pupil. If it was an allergic reaction, you will using feel sensitivity around the extensions and your eyelid will be sensitive not just the lower eye area.

2. A burning sensation which will cause you to immediately reach for anything cooling like water to wash it off. Unfortunately this usually doesn’t help and depending on each person, the pain can be tolerable or severe.

3. In some cases, you may be experiencing this in just one eye (it doesn’t always happen in both eyes)

Causes of an eyelash chemical burn:

There is only one true cause of a chemical burn. During your appointment, your eyes were not shut properly or you opened your eyes during treatment to perhaps check your phone. Cyanoacrylate which is the main and strongest ingredient in lash adhesives lets off fumes during the lashing process. When your eyes aren’t shut properly, the fumes gets into your eye which causes it to become irritated.

Cure for an eyelash chemical burn:

Unfortunately there is no cure for a chemical burn after getting lash extensions. You just have be patient and gentle with your eyes over a few days as the irritation subsides. Removing your lash extension will not immediately stop the pain. If the irritation gets worse please consult a pharmacist or doctor.

Can I get lash extensions again after a chemical burn?

Yes definitely, but there are a few things to be do beforehand:

1. Do not have any caffeine prior to your lash appointment. Caffeine will make your eyes flutter during treatment and expose your eyes to lash adhesive fumes

2. Do not open your eyes during the lash procedure whatsoever. Also do not talk as this can encourage your eyes to open

3. Most people don’t realise that our eyes can slightly open during sleep and even though this is completely normal, can lead to a chemical burn.

4. Let the lash technician know that you have experienced a chemical burn in the past so she/he can do whatever possible to seal your eyes shut during treatment.

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